Mannequin retail display
Mannequins & Dress Forms: Display Your Apparel with Style
At Displetech we have a variety of mannequins including mannequin heads, female mannequins, mannequin bodies, dress forms, and male mannequins. Constructed from fiberglass and plastic, these mannequins are lightweight yet sturdy enough for continuous use. These clothing forms allow retailers to create an eye-catching display without detracting from the product being showcased. They can be used to create extravagant window displays or smaller product presentations throughout your retail environment. Elegantly showcase your products on our fashion mannequins to create an eye-catching display that is sure to attract customers and increase sales.
Our wholesale mannequins and dress forms are available in several poses. Find the ones with specific measurements or body types to best display sports or swim garments. At Displetech, we also carry a wide range of children's forms as well, to create the perfect displays. Our prices are so competitive and affordable: we know you will get the best price and service.
Find also: Display Showcase, Floor Tables, Slat Pall Panel